Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Welcome your new masters!

...well not masters as such, but at the AGM last week, we voted on our new executive team. So please make welcome the new committee...

President: Grant Quick. Grant returns for his second year at the top of the deUTSch tree.
Vice President: Fabian Watson. Fabian steps up to the plate for the first time.
Secretary: Rhiannon O'Donoghue and Luke Parr. The two old timers timeshare this year.
Social Officer: Tara Donnelly. Tara, organiser extraodinaire returns from a year in Germany equipped with heaps of great social ideas
Social Officer: Ksenia Belova. Ksenia also returns from ICS in Germany, and along with Tara has been sampling the German nightlife. She's now ready to turn it on for deUTSch this year.
Publicity Officer: Flora Suen. Young and exuberant, Flora joins the team this year before heading to Germany next year on ICS.
Publicity officer: Melanie Speet. Old and jaded, Mel was elected for her marketing genius, honed through 4 months of full time work (both the jadedness and the genius).

Congratulations all, get set for a big year!

You may have noticed we're without a Treasurer at the moment. Anyone who feels they'd like to take on the role, just email us at

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