Friday, May 9, 2008
Hunter Valley Daytrip
This trip will allow those keen to explore more of Australia's diverse geography, as well as pamper their palate with wine, local brews, cheese and chocolate.
We will be traveling by minibus to Hunter Valley, and the cost is inclusive of entry to wineries and sampling, but not lunch.
Date:Sunday, May 25, 2008Time:8:00am - 7:30pmLocation:Meet outside UTS LibraryStreet:cnr Quay St and Ultimo Road, Haymarket
Costs are as follows (please purchase tickets before 14th May):
$35 deUTSch members
$40 UTS students
$45 Other
Tickets for the trip can be purchased at Stammtisch, and also at the Union Desk (Level 3, Tower Building). We've invited FRESS (UTS French Society) and the UTS European Society along, so avoid any intercontinental kerfuffles and buy your tickets ASAP!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Events in April and May
That's right, forget about the uni work, because deUTSch is going to keep you busy for the next couple of months with a multitude of cultural experiences!
German Film Festival
This month we're exploring German culture in the form of films at the German Film Festival. Details of "Reclaim Your Brain", the film we're seeing tomorrow night are in a previous blog.
Meanwhile we're going to see another film called "And Along Came Tourists" next Thursday night. A blurb about this contemporary drama can be read here, and you can book tickets here. The film starts at 6:45pm, and Stammtisch will follow at the Imperial Hotel at 8:45pm.

Kiama Day Trip
For all those wanting to get out and experience New South Wales' natural beauty, this trip is perfect for you. Kiama is a lovely quaint town on the NSW south coast, with imposing black cliffs, white sandy beaches and a natural blowhole.
Here are the details:
Day: Saturday 3rd May
Time: Meet at 8:20am at the big clock in the intercity hall at Central Station
Catch the 8:40am train to Kiama (return tickets are $13.60 Concession and
$27.20 Adult)
In Kiama: Visit the blow hole, walk along the beaches, picnic lunch (buy there or
bring from home)
Return: Arrive back at Central by 8pm
RSVP: Please send us an email,, by Friday 2nd May
How Long 'Til Smoko?
Brett Nichols examines all things ‘Aussie’ and more in this comedy cabaret. From taxis to morning tea breaks, from Vegemite to porn. A witty mix of the clever and the lewd - Brett appeals to the yuppie and yobbo in all of us.
This is a must see for all Germans wanting to learn more about quintessential Australian culture!
Date: Thursday 8th May
Time: Meet at Railway Square at 6:30pm (optional)
7:30pm at the Enmore Theatre, 118-132 Enmore Road
Tickets: Please buy your own from here
Stammtisch will be held after the performance at 9:30pm, at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, 148 Enmmore Road Enmore.
Stammtisch at Bells Hotel

On Thursday 15th May, we'll be breaking free of the Clare and adventuring out to Woolloomooloo to take in the atmosphere of Bells Hotel. Before Stammtisch, we'll be having dinner at the famous Harry's Cafe de Wheels (I recommend the Tiger Pie).
Here's a review of the Bells from the Sydney Morning Herald:
It's as if the Bells was picked up by a cyclone, Wizard Of Oz style, from a quiet town and dropped here. It seems the only explanation for a family-run, honest, flagstone-floored pub with cheap drinks and no pretensions next to the CBD.
It's preferred by navy boys from the nearby base, too, which is good news for a girl who loves a uniform. While other local bars desperately woo the area's upwardly mobile newcomers, the Bells keeps its regulars loyal with warm service.
Gotta love those Navy boys!
Date: Thursday 15th May
Time: 7:00pm meet at Town Hall (optional)
7:30pm dinner at Harry's Cafe de Wheels
8:30pm Stammtisch at Bells Hotel, 1 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo
Stay tuned for more deUTSch events, and don't forget, Lernen ist kein Heavy Metal.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Trivial Tale: FRESS vs. deUTSch Trivia Night
Ist es möglich, die Dentüchtigkeit eines Students durch einer geringen Menge Alkohol verbessern zu können? Na klar, es wurde schon mehrmals erwiesen – Studenten denken viel besser unter Zuhilfenahme von einem Bierchen oder zwei! Man soll aber nicht mit einem leeren Bauch anfangen, sonst verschwimmt alles ganz doll nach kurzer Zeit!
Upcoming Events
Tomorrow we're heading home to the Clare for our weekly Stammtisch. We'll be there from 7:30pm.
Next Thursday 17th April sees the first of our two German Film Festival excursions.
We will be meeting at 7:30 at Railway Square and commuting to the Imperial Hotel (252 Oxford Street, Paddington) for a short Stammtisch, before heading to the Chauvel Cinemas to see Reclaim Your Brain.
Reclaim Your Brain

Moritz Bleibtreu (from just about every German movie, including Run Lola Run) returns to star in this satire, which deals with Bleibtreu's experiences as a brash TV producer whose life-altering experience transforms him into a crusader against the stupidity of many TV programs, their producers and the audiences’ passive responses to those shows.
Sounds quite poignant!
Please buy your own tickets to this event. They can be bought online at: We recommend you buy tickets in advance to avoid any disappointment.
Welcome your new masters!
President: Grant Quick. Grant returns for his second year at the top of the deUTSch tree.
Vice President: Fabian Watson. Fabian steps up to the plate for the first time.
Secretary: Rhiannon O'Donoghue and Luke Parr. The two old timers timeshare this year.
Social Officer: Tara Donnelly. Tara, organiser extraodinaire returns from a year in Germany equipped with heaps of great social ideas
Social Officer: Ksenia Belova. Ksenia also returns from ICS in Germany, and along with Tara has been sampling the German nightlife. She's now ready to turn it on for deUTSch this year.
Publicity Officer: Flora Suen. Young and exuberant, Flora joins the team this year before heading to Germany next year on ICS.
Publicity officer: Melanie Speet. Old and jaded, Mel was elected for her marketing genius, honed through 4 months of full time work (both the jadedness and the genius).
Congratulations all, get set for a big year!
You may have noticed we're without a Treasurer at the moment. Anyone who feels they'd like to take on the role, just email us at
Thursday, March 13, 2008
We're back and it's big!
Yes it has been a while since we've updated this old dinosaur of a website, having been distracted by Facebook. However, we understand that some people might not have Facebook and in an attempt to be fair, we've decided to update our blog spot.
Since our last post, things have really stepped up a gear hear at deUTSch central, with membership skyrocketing and members of our Facebook group tipping over 100 people in recent days.
Stammtisch has been incredibly successful in the first few weeks of semester, as was the apparently lovely bushwalk on the weekend.
Start of Semester Party
Keep the enthusiasm up guys, because we've planned something even bigger - a party at Markets Bar next Thursday night. Instead of Stammtisch, we're going to be holding an exclusive party at Markets Bar (in the UTS Markets Campus), with a bar tab and much hilarity I'm sure.
This is a chance for us to raise some much needed funds for the club, so we can subsidise events throughout the year. So bring all your friends and enjoy a great night!

Upcoming Events
Other events to look forward to this semester include an excursion to the German Film Festival in April, German/Australian movie nights at Fabian's place* and a trip to the Blue Mountains.
So stay tuned to this blogspot, Facebook and the email list for more information.
Email List
If you're not already receiving Grant's weekly email, and would like to keep updated, just drop us a line at, and we'll add you to the list.
If you're a savvy Facebook-er, just search for 'deutsch' and you should find our group page.
Bis naechstes Mal,
*To be confirmed