Monday, August 27, 2007

New Pubs

Mel and I have been throwing around the idea of going to a different pub once every fortnight in order to spice Stammtisch up a bit. The reaction from the Stammtischler is positive, so we will be beginning this new format soon.

In the mean time it would be great if you could give us you recommendations. It does not necessarily need to be in the city, but it would need to be easy and quick to get to. Start voting with your comments and we'll see the best that Sydney has to offer throughout the rest of semester!


Unknown said...

Something reasonably far away from the watercannons and the strafing fighter jets of APEC declared areas? My suggestion: Cricketers' Arms.

Grant said...

Hmmmm... not many suggestions yet, well I'll add one of my own. "Cheers" on George St. I've never been there, but it's a place where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came, apparently.

Grant said...

Ira has suggested the nude bar and Fabian suggested some place in Glebe, interesting to see how we fit it all in this semester, but don't feel shy to throw in some more ideas!