If you would like to come to the event please let us know so that we can work out how much food to get. (Also, if you haven't paid your membership fee yet, we would really appreciate it if you did! $5 is all it costs for UTS students.)

the german speakers' society
Just leave a comment, or send me an email about what you'd prefer!
Also, I'd like you (German) guys to think about what sort of other excursions you'd like us to go on. I've had requests for bushwalking, going to the beach (that'd have to be soon)... what do you think? Can you Sydneysiders out there recommend something?
Ok, so my photos were pretty terrible, but you get the gist!
If anyone was at Stammtisch over the past couple of weeks, and have photos you'd like to share, just let me know... I'm sure you have better ones than I do!