Due to unabating bad weather and a general lack of enthusiasm for the Stammtisch BBQ (yes, I understand that many of you
have gone travelling/home), I've decided to relocate and invite all-comers to drinks at the Cricketer's Arms pub in Surrey
Hills this Sunday!
It's a fundraiser for a charity called Fochta, which provides relief and assistance to communities in Malawi in Africa. All
profits from the bar will go to the charity.
The details are:
Sunday 1st July, Cricketer's Arms (for address see the attached invitation), 2-7pm.
So come along, apparently the pub's pretty cool, and have your drinking shoes on (I'm sure I will!). If you want to see where
your money's going, go to the website: www.fochta.org.au
Hope to see you then, or at the Tandem party on Friday!