Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More Photos!

Here are some more photos, this time of better quality, thanks to Ira =)

Don't forget to vote for the German Film Fest movie you most want to see!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Festival of German Films

As you can see in the "What's on" section, the German film festival's coming up soon, and I think it's the perfect event for our first Stammtisch 'excursion'!

In case you didn't notice, we live in a democracy here, so I propose a vote for which film(s) we'd all like to see. Info on each film can be found here. My proposed shortlist is:
  • Can-His World Has its Own Rules (Wut)
  • Eden
  • Four Minutes (Vier Minuten)
  • Grave Decisions (Wer Frueher Stirbt, ist Laenger Tot)
  • Ping Pong
  • A Friend of Mine (Ein Freund von Mir)

Just leave a comment, or send me an email about what you'd prefer!

Also, I'd like you (German) guys to think about what sort of other excursions you'd like us to go on. I've had requests for bushwalking, going to the beach (that'd have to be soon)... what do you think? Can you Sydneysiders out there recommend something?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Deutsch-Franzoesische Pop-Begegnung in Sydney!

If you're into electronic music, you should check this out! There's also the added bonus of being able to explore the most notorious suburb in Sydney, Kings Cross ;)

Berlin meets Paris in Sydney!
Tuesday 20 March, 8 pm
Melt Bar
12 Kellett Street, Kings Cross

Micro-pop queen Barbara Morgenstern [Berlin] and experimental groove master Fred Avril [Paris] are two of the most innovative artists in their respective electronic music scenes. For the first time Barbara Morgenstern and Fred Avril will work and perform together in a combined music project. The Goethe-Institut Sydney is delighted to welcome the artists in Sydney at the Melt Bar on their way to New Zealand. Don't miss it!


Can you help?

Have you studied at Konstanz, Tuebingen, Karlsruhe, Regensburg or Goettingen uni? If you have, we need your help!

Yixu Lu, the organiser of the UTS International Studies Germany major, needs you to promote your uni at a briefing session for the UTS students going to Germany next year.

You really don't have to do much; just spend three or so minutes talking about your uni, then answer a few questions from the UTS students.

The briefing session is on Friday night, 6:30pm, at the Markets Campus (CM5D 01.14).

If you're interested, speak to me tomorrow night at Stammtisch, or send me or Yixu an email (Melanie.Speet@student.uts.edu.au or Yixu.Lu@uts.edu.au).

We'd really appreciate your help!

Friday, March 9, 2007


If you're unsure about whether you should go to Stammtisch or not, just check out how much fun we had last week!

Ok, so my photos were pretty terrible, but you get the gist!

If anyone was at Stammtisch over the past couple of weeks, and have photos you'd like to share, just let me know... I'm sure you have better ones than I do!


Hi everyone,

Welcome to the brand new UTS Stammtisch website! You'll find here a list of things that are happening around Sydney, photos from Stammtisch, etc. I'll also post here whenever I think of possible excursions, to ask you guys what you think of them (feel free to suggest things in the comments section... it'd be great to hear your thoughts; the excursions will be for you anyway!).

Other than that, you'll find boring things here like links to useful study resources (once again, please make suggestions; perhaps you've found something that you think will be useful to others).

Hopefully you'll find the website useful, and I look forward to your comments here and your presence at Stammtisch on Thursday night!